Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Atomy Malaysia, online shopping mall yang paling besar di dunia!


Mahukah anda peluang untuk menjana pendapatan pasif online dengan mudah, sembang sembang dan tanpa sebarang bebanan, risiko atau modal tambahan tahun 2016/2017 ini?. 
Jika jawapan anda ialah - YA, sila teruskan.

Andainya anda atau keluarga anda mengguna sebahagian barang barang keperluan harian berikut selama ini, maka anda kini akan BOLEH BERJIMAT malah dapat menukarkan pembelanjaan kepada pendapatan dengan cara paling senang, hanya tukarkan brand sahaja. Tak perlu lagi pening pening kan kepala keluarkan duit banyak sebagai modal hanya kerana mahu buat bisnes online atau offline yang kebanyakannya cuma jual barang-barangan yang ikut trend sahaja.

Apakah itu barang kerperluan harian? Adakah anda biasa dengan barang-barangan yang berikut,

1. Berus gigi
2. Ubat gigi
3. Shampoo rambut
4. Hair conditioner
5. Sabun/gel mandian
6. Pencuci muka
7. Serbuk pencuci pakaian
8. Cecair pencuci pakaian
9. Pelembut/pewangi fabrik
10. Cecair pencuci pinggan mangkok
11. Cecair pencuci dapur/perkakasan dapur
12. Aneka jenis alatan solekan kecantikan dan kosmetik
13. Set penjagaan kulit lelaki dan wanita
14. Mee Segera
15. Pakaian dalam lelaki dan wanita
16. Aneka jenis makanan tambahan kesihatan dan vitamin
17. Aneka minuman
18. Peralatan rumah, dapur dan ratusan jenis produk keperluan diri serta rumah tangga lainnya.

Cuba tanya diri anda sendiri, pernah tak anda menghitung berapa banyak duit yang anda keluarkan tiap tiap minggu atau bulan untuk membeli pelbagai barangan keperluan diri dan keluarga tersebut?. Sudah tentu ratusan Ringgit Malaysia juga sebulan kan malah tidak mustahil sesetengah individu atau keluarga berbelanja ribuan Ringgit Malaysia setiap bulan bagi mendapatkan barangan keperluan berkenaan. Betul tak?

Dimanakah anda biasa membeli barang barang keperluan harian tersebut? 
Jusco, Mydin, Tesco, Giant, .......

Cuba tanya sendiri, adakah anda semakin kaya semasa anda berlanja di tesco, jusco, mydin, atau etc...

Jika, saya memberi peluang untuk anda menjanakan pendapatan yang berpuluh puluh ribu untuk keluarga anda semasa anda berlanja, anda berminat atau tidak?

Jika berminat, sila teruskan!

Barangan Keperluan Harian adalah pembelanjaan yang tidak dapat dielakkan, tidak penduli anda kaya atau miskin. Bukan diri anda saja malah anggota keluarga anda, saudara mara anda yang lain juga terpaksa berbelanja untuk keperluan barangan harian masing masing. Begitu juga jiran jiran sebelah rumah anda, rakan rakan sekerja malah sesiapa saja yang hidup di dunia ini terpaksa berbelanja untuk membeli barangan keperluan harian mereka, masing masing terpaksa habiskan sejumlah wang tertentu dalam apa juga kondisi kewangan untuk keperluan berkenaan. Setuju kan?

Lazimnya anda atau ramai yang lain berbelanja dan membeli barangan keperluan di kedai kedai runcit berdekatan, di 7 Eleven, Mart atau dari mana mana pasaraya, mall dan supermarket. 

Setiap kali berbelanja, anda cuma mendapat apa yang telah anda bayar iaitu barangan. Paling tidak anda mungkin akan mendapat potongan harga dan diskaun, tawaran tawaran tertentu atau kupon kupon berkonsep point untuk tukaran barangan percuma. Tapi saya yakin dan pasti ANDA TIDAK PERNAH PUN MENDAPAT DUIT TUNAI yang berterusan dari premis premis tersebut walaupun anda tidak pernah berhenti berbelanja atau shopping di premis berkenaan. 

Betul tak? Sila Teruskan!

Tidak cuma itu. Kebanyakan barangan yang anda beli selama ini berkemungkinan TIDAK ADA JAMINAN PENGEMBALIAN WANG andai kata anda tidak berpuas hati dengan kualiti barangan tersebut (tambahan lagi kalau membeli di kedai kedai runcit biasa). Anda mungkin pernah terpaksa membuang barangan yang dibeli selepas beberapa hari disebabkan anda tidak dapat manfaatkan barangan tersebut. Anda terpaksa menanggung kerugian kerana tidak dapat pulangkan barangan tersebut dan menuntut wang anda kembali 100%. Sebabnya adalah kerana anda membeli barangan yang tidak ada 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. Ini berkemungkin selalu berlaku bukan?

Tidak kah anda pernah terfikir bahawa anda selama ini sebenarnya telah menghabiskan duit ratusan Ringgit Malaysia tiap tiap bulan untuk keperluan diri dan keluarga dan ini berterusan berlaku bulan demi bulan dan tahun demi tahun tanpa berhenti. Jika RM500 anda habiskan tiap tiap bulan  untuk keperluan diri dan keluarga, bayangkan selama setahun saja (12 bulan), sedar tak sedar anda sudah berbelanja RM6000 untuk tujuan tersebut dan anda semata mata hanya mendapat barangan sedangkan jika anda seorang PENGGUNA atau PEMBELI YANG BIJAK, duit sebanyak itu sebenarnya boleh menjana PENDAPATAN TAMBAHAN yang berterusan kepada anda sehingga boleh mencecah RM25,000 setiap bulan yang dikreditkan terus ke akaun bank anda.

Berminat? Teruskan!

Bagimana kalau sudah 3 tahun anda berbelanja RM500 tiap bulan dengan cara anda selama ini?. Tanpa pun anda sedar, anda sudah pun habiskan RM18,000 untuk barangan keperluan anda dan keluarga dan anda tidak pun mendapat walau satu sen pun duit tambahan sedangkan anda sepatutnya sudah pun boleh mendapat PENDAPATAN SAMPINGAN sehingga boleh menerjah lebih RM400,000 sebulan. 

Rugi kan? 

Berbelanja puluhan ribu Ringgit Malaysia selama ini dan anda cuma mendapat produk sahaja anda sewajarnya sudah boleh mendapat duit tambahan puluhan malah ratusan ribu tiap tiap bulan kalau anda menjadikan diri anda sebagai PENGGUNA PINTAR. Adakah anda selesa dan mahu berterusan begini dan kekalkan diri anda sebagai seorang pengguna yang kurang bijak???.

Jangan berfikir tentang berbelanja ratusan Ringgit Malaysia sebulan. Walau pun hanya membeli berus dan ubat gigi atau sebotol BB Cream yang berharga sekitar RM50, anda sudah berpeluang mendapat duit ekstra sehingga RM3000 sebulan malah jumlah ini akan berganda dari bulan ke bulan, tahun ke tahun sehingga tidak mustahil pendapatan ekstra itu boleh mendaki lebih RM400,000 sebulan dan ianya terus dibayar ke akaun bank anda tiap tiap minggu serta dwi mingguan.

Ini bukan soal PENJIMATAN dan DUIT TAMBAHAN semata mata. Sebaliknya setiap sen duit yang anda bayar itu seharusnya setanding dan senilai dengan produk dan barangan yang anda dapat. Maka barangan yang anda beli itu harus berkualiti hebat dan terjamin, setidaknya setimpal dengan apa yang anda telah keluarkan atau belanjakan. Saya yakin anda mungkin jarang mendapat satu jaminan pasti dari pemilik premis yang anda belanjakan dan jarang mendapat JAMINAN PENGEMBALIAN WANG jika anda tidak berpuas hati tentang penggunaan barangan yang telah anda beli. Sebenarnya anda tidak bijak jika anda mengabaikan perkara ini. Anda tidak cerdik untuk menggunakan hak anda sebagai seorang pengguna. Tidak kah begitu???.

Mulai hari ini anda perlu setidaknya membantu diri sendiri keluar dari kebiasaan lama yang tidak menguntungkan , menjadikan diri anda sebagai pengguna yang kurang bermaklumat kepada seorang pengguna yang bijak lagi pintar. Anda harus tolong diri sendiri, saudara mara mahu pun rakan dan kawan agar semuanya tidak lagi berbelanja secara yang merugikan sebaliknya semuanya harus menjadi SMART CONSUMER. Cukuplah selama ini anda mahu pun mereka mereka yang lain terus berbelanja secara merugikan sedangkan corak, stail dan gaya perbelanjaan anda seharian atau bulanan sehingga sekarang ini, hakikatnya boleh dijimatkan malah mampu menghasilkan pendapatan sampingan yang bukan sedikit jumlahnya buat semua. Hanya ubah tabiat dan amalan lama anda  kepada satu corak perbelanjaan baru TANPA PERLU MENAMBAH BUDGET tetapi boleh mendatangkan kesenangan hidup serta kekayaan buat anda.

Dengan kaedah Pengguna Pintar ini, anda tidak saja berjimat, mendaoat produk keperluan harian pelbagai pilihan yang didatangkan dengan jaminan 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE, malah berpeluang menjana pendapatan sampingan mingguan dan bulanan yang jumlahnya mungkin tidak pernah anda fikirkan selama ini.

Untuk itu jika anda pasti terdapat sebahagian barangan dalam senarai di atas memang barangan keperluan anda serta keluarg,a dan anda selama ini sentiasa berbelanja keatasnya untuk keperluan, tidak peduli sekecil mana pun perbelanjaan anda, maka anda WAJIB MEMBUKA MATA & FIKIRAN untuk meneliti dan mengkaji dengan baik bagaimana gergasi ATOMY dari Korea Selatan ini boleh membantu anda serta semua orang dari seorang pelanggan dan pengguna biasa biasa saja kepada seorang insan  yang hebat dan luar biasa tanpa langsung memerah walau satu sen pun wang atau duit poket anda.

Pelajari selanjutnya tentang KOREAN MULTI BILLION GIANT ini iaitu ATOMY kerana lebih 85% orang yang mendengar serta mengetahui tentangnya, pasti akan menyertai Giant bertaraf internasional bervisi murni ini. 

Atomy Malaysia mendapat pendaftaran sebanyak 240 ribu orang kurang daripada 1 bulan, dan menjana sales lebih daripada RM 3 Million kurang daripada 1 bulan, dan stok - stok habis dalam 30 minit. Harga yang mutlak dengan kualiti yang mutlak, ini adalah kekuatan atomy!

Cepat dapatkan panduan A to Z dengan saya.

* Terbuka untuk warga Korea, USA, Japan, Canada, Taiwan, Singapore, Cambodia serta Philippines saja dan Malaysia sebelum ke lebih 30 negara lain.

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Tuesday, 2 August 2016

8 Techniques To Improve Decision Making Skills

8 Techniques To Improve Decision Making Skills

Choices are what we use to shape this world. Our decisions, great and small create and alter countless timelines, babies could never been born, lives could be changed forever, the existence as we know it could crumble or succeed from your choice. Or you could just end up choosing a terrible flavor of ice cream.
We make choices everyday, we choose wrong at times, and at times we struggle to make those decisions in the first place. If that's your problem, let's go over 8 Techniques To Improve Decision Making Skills.

1. Determine What's At Stake

Choices can range from massive multi-million dollar investments to the choice of which tie to put on in the morning. Determining exactly the weight of your choice can aid in making your decision. It's simple, big choices(like) require research, careful consideration and a lot of certainties before even attempting to decide.
While with smaller decisions (like which flavor of cake you get) it's best to just have some blind faith and go with your gut. Chances are you're making the right decision.

2. Identify The Reason You Are Making This Decision

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Choices are made because they have to. Certain agendas and reasonings can affect the decision you make in the end. Try to determine who this decision is for and who will benefit from it. Are there any other reasons you are making this decision? All of this information can help you achieve your reason for making the decision, as well as making it easier to make the choice.

3. Determine How Many Choices You Have

fork in the road
In a lot of choices, you have more than two choices, a lot of the times the choices are even hidden from view. Organize your options into "what could work", "what won't work", and "what will work". Before you make a decision try to have all your bases covered.

4. Make An Informed Decision

researching major donors
Before making a decision ask questions. They may be to yourself, to someone else that you have to make the decision with, just ask questions in general. Try to get as much information as you can about the decision you have to make.
Who is going to benefit from you in selecting one decision over another? Will one decision be harder to carry out than another? Just try to think things through before making any sort of choice.

5. Get a Second Opinion

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Decisions can be hard, but you shouldn't always have to feel obliged to make them on your own. Sometimes it's best to get a second opinion from someone you trust. Be it your friend, a family member or if you have the means, call an expert. The point is that getting someone else's two cents on a matter can be a real help and it will make making that decision much easier and be a generally better decision.
It doesn't even matter if you approve of their response either, hearing another person's view on it will get you thinking, often enough to make a  good decision.

6. Trust What makes Sense

When making decisions, common sense can play a pivotal role in determining whether you make the right choice or you don't. Be careful, though, it is a tool in your arsenal and not a hundred percent of the equation.
o trust yourself facebook
Learn to listen to your common sense and logically attempt to use it to add prices of the puzzle that were missing previously. You can use it to make small decisions, but in larger one's simply listen to it, trust it, and fall back to it if everything else fails.

7. Decide With Logic, Not Emotion

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There are times we get caught up in the moment, making rash ill advised decisions due to pride, anger or even sadness. Emotions can be dangerous if you wish to make good decisions as they are impulses and often get you doing the first thing that pops into your head.
Before making a decision take a deep breath, clear your mind and try to make sure your emotions are not clouding your judgement. Afterwards, all you need to do is use logic and think proplerly on your decision.

8. Learn From Bad Decisions

We all make poor choices, but that should not stop us from thinking carefully on the next problem we face. Our lives come with one decision after another and we can't always choose correctly. What to do here is to not be afraid to fail, to accept it gracefully and learn from it so you make the right choices the next time around.
five real life website mistakes and what you can learn them
Decisions are important, we are faced with them everyday. We make big decisions where we have to think hard and clear about them. And we have small decisions which we just role with. Either way practicing making these decisions is key to learning how to make the right choices. You get some right, you get some wrong, but maybe with the help of these techniques you get it right more often.


Don’t think you’re on the right road just because it’s a well-beaten path.” – Author Unknown

Sunday, 31 July 2016
















Monday, 11 July 2016



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Wednesday, 6 July 2016











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艾多美 歡迎您!
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Tuesday, 5 July 2016


韩国第一直销企业艾多美(Atomy)董事长朴韩吉为人分享艾多美(Atomy)的成功之道:绝对品质、绝对价格的大众精品,共同成长的价值观,消除直销恶习、宣导谦卑服务的行事之道,以及坚持“正善上略”的观念启示;巴西直销协会常务董事Roberta Kuruzu女士分享了直销企业进军巴西市场所应具备的条件,对于心怀全球国际化梦想的直销企业具有特别的借鉴意义。

Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Monday, 4 April 2016

Why should I join Atomy?

This is an easy question.
It should be answer as, why not?

Yea, why not join Atomy?

Please give me a good reason, why do not want to join Atomy.

Atomy -
Free membership
No annual fee
no force purchase
Good quality
Reasonable retail price
no monthly quota
no stock keeping
products that you using everyday
technology support by Korea Government (KAERI)
Manufacturer more than 100 years experience know-how

emm... tell me, why not join atomy!

contact me
012 388 2745

Friday, 26 February 2016

What is Hemohim

What Is HemoHIM?

What Is HemoHIM?

If you search “What is HemoHIM?” on Google, it will tell you that: “HemoHIM is a new substance with special immune function that has been developed from Angelica radix, Chuanxiong Rhizoma, and PaeoniaenAlba Radix through biological engineering and radiation technology.”
HemoHIM stands for:
  • Hemoglobin: Hemoglobin carries oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body where it releases the oxygen to burn nutrients to provide energy to power the functions of the body in metabolism.
  • Hemopoiesis: The formation of blood.
  • Immune: Your Immune System.
  • Modulation: Regulate.
Basically, HemoHIM strengthens/regulates your immune system, help your body form fresh blood and hemoglobin. HemoHIM is patented in the United States as “Herbal composition for improving anticancer activity, immune response and hematopoiesis of the body, and protecting the body from oxidative damage”. (United States Patent 06964785)
See HemoHIM US Patent: http://www.directorypatent.com/US/06964785.html
HemoHIM is a not a medicine, but a functional health supplement. It serves a special purpose of strengthening your immune system. And the main ingredients are quite exotic: Angelica radix, Chuanxiong Rhizoma, and PaeoniaenAlba Radix. These are herbs cultivated in the clean fields of South Korea, and were widely used in oriental herbal medicines for centuries.

Development of HemoHIM

HemoHIM was the name of a government research project by a team of Ph.D. scientists at Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI). The South Korean government proposed the project to create a new substance that will radically increase human immune system in order to protect the nation’s most valued scientists at KAERI, who have much higher chance of getting exposed to radiation compared to other people. The team tested more than 1,000 different kinds of herbs to create a perfect substance to accomplish the project’s objective. To do that, it took the team about 8 years and government assistant of more than 5 million dollars. At the finish of the project, the Korean government decided to commercialize the substance to offer it to the general public. The truth is, not only the scientists working with atomic energy is affected by radiation, but we are all exposed to radiation in our daily activities such as using cell phones! Then the project name HemoHIM became the substance/product name and was offered to the general public.
There are three main organizations/companies involved in the production of HemoHIM:
  1. Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI): Responsible for the research and development of the HemoHIM formula.
  2. Kolmar BNH Co. Ltd. (SBT): Company responsible for making the actual substance with the formula provided by KAERI.
  3. Atomy America Inc.: The only distributor of HemoHIM.
At first, Atomy wasn’t the distributor of HemoHIM. But the company who originally distributed HemoHIM sold it at $1,200 for one month’s supply. When the South Korean government found out about the ridiculous amount of profit the company was making, it seized its contract with the company because they violated the agreement to make HemoHIM readily available to common folks. After all, HemoHIM was developed using common folks’ tax money! The beauty of HemoHIM is that the ingredients are readily available in clean uncontaminated fields of South Korea. The three main ingredients were widely used for centuries as herbal medicines, but it is the research and and technology of KAERI that took ordinary herbs into such a substance. In fact, even if HemoHIM was so good, if its ingredients were outrageously expensive, common folks like you and I wouldn’t have been able to take it everyday.

Basic Product Information

(Information Source: http://www.atomy-usa.com/usa/product/hemohim0.asp )
Product Name Atomy HemoHIM
Product Type Individually Approved Dietary Supplement
Volume 20ml x 60 (1,200ml)
Storage Although the product has been sterilized, keep in a cool place away from moisture and direct sunlight. Consume right immediately after opening.
Research & Development Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI)
Manufacturer Kolmar BNH Co. Ltd. (SBT)
Ingredients HemoHIM Mixed Herbal Extracts [Angelica Radix/Korea, Chuanxiong Rhizoma/Korea, PaeoniaenAlba Radix/Korea], Aqua, Honey, Glyopexis, Fructo-oligosaccharide, Citric Acid, Guar Gum, Sodium Alginate, Vitamin C, Kelp Meal, Pantothenic Acid, Vitamin B6 Hydrochloride, Vitamin B1 Hydrochloride, Vitamin B2
Instruction One packet (20ml) twice per day, 60 packets in total
Caution When taking HemoHIM
– Cnidium Officinale and Paeonica Japonica may cause allergic reactions upon intake consumption.
– Not recommended for children under 6 years old.
– Women who are pregnant, nursing, experiencing menstrual irregularity, or have bleeding disorders should consult a doctor before taking this product.
– Do not take products past the expiration date.
Recommended For: Atomy HemoHIM is recommended for the following people.
– Elders who need energy restoration
– Workers exhausted from long hours
– Students that need physical endurance
– Long-distance drivers
– House-wives worn out from stress of housework
– Athletes who consume a lot of physical energy
Nutrition Facts:
% based on daily values
Amount Per Serving Content % Daily Value
Total Calories 20kcal
Total Carbohydrate 5g 1.5%
Sugars 3g
Total Fat 0g 0%

Functional Substances:Cholorogenic acid

* May help in improvement of immunity. (Physiological Function Level 2)
* This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

What Is In HemoHIM?

HemoHIM Ingredients: Angelica radix, Chuanxiong Rhizoma, and PaeoniaenAlba Radix
The three main ingredients of HemoHIM are:
1. Angelicae gigantis Radix: Used for menstrual cramps, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), and menopausal symptoms. It is also used orally as a ”blood purifier”; to manage hypertension, infertility, joint pain, ulcers, “tired blood” (anemia), and constipation; and in the prevention and treatment of allergic attacks. Dong quai is also used orally for the treatment of loss of skin color (depigmentation) and psoriasis.
Angelicae Gigantis Radix regulates mast cell-mediated allergic inflammation in vivo and in vitro.
2. Cnidium officinale Makino
3. Paeonia japonica Miyabe et Takeda

Patents & Certificates

No. Country Registration Number Designation
1 Korea 0401955 Immune system, hematosis enhancement and protective herbal composition and manufacturing process
2 0440863 Hematosis enhancement and anti-radiation herbal extracts
3 0449655 Hematosis, immune system reinforcement and anti-radiation health functional food
4 0506384 Anti-cancer, immune system, and hematosis enhancement and oxidant controlling effect herbal composition and manufacturing process (health food, medicine)
5 Europe
(Germany, England, France, Italy)
EP01466608 Herbal composition comprising Angelica gigantis,
Cnidium officinale and Paeonia japonica
6 Japan JP04055951 Galenical composition having anticancer/immune/hematopoietic function enhancing effect and oxidative living body damage suppressing effect and manufacturing method thereof
7 USA US06964785 Herbal composition for improving anticancer activity, immune response and hematopoiesis of the body, and protecting the body from oxidative damage, and the method of preparing the same

Scientific Literature On HemoHIM

HemoHIM Research
HemoHIM is not just a product. It is a result of vigorous scientific research. Many scientists are referring HemoHIM in their professional scientific journals. There are currently 18 science journal literature about HemoHIM on US National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health alone.

Science Journal Literature About HemoHIM Found on PubMed:

  • PubMed is a service of the US National Library of Medicine® that Provides free access to databases of indexed citations and abstracts to medical, nursing, dental, veterinary, health care, and preclinical sciences journal articles.
  1. Preventative effect of an herbal preparation (HemoHIM) on development of airway inflammation in mice via modulation of Th1/2 cells differentiation.
  2. Protective effects of HemoHIM on immune and hematopoietic systems against γ-irradiation.
  3. HemoHIM enhances the therapeutic efficacy of ionizing radiation treatment in tumor-bearing mice.
  4. Screening of anti-obesity agent from herbal mixtures.
  5. HemoHIM ameliorates the persistent down-regulation of Th1-like immune responses in fractionated γ-irradiated mice by modulating the IL-12p70-STAT4 signaling pathway.
  6. Protective effect of an herbal preparation (HemoHIM) on radiation-induced intestinal injury in mice.
  7. HemoHIM improves ovarian morphology and decreases expression of nerve growth factor in rats with steroid-induced polycystic ovaries.
  8. Enhanced antitumor efficacy of cisplatin in combination with HemoHIM in tumor-bearing mice.
  9. Restoration of the immune functions in aged mice by supplementation with a new herbal composition, HemoHIM.
  10. Antiinflammatory activity of an herbal preparation (HemoHIM) in rats.

Science Journal Literature About HemoHIM Found on PMC:

  • PMC is a free full-text archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature at the U.S. National Institutes of Health’s National Library of Medicine (NIH/NLM).
  1. Preventative Effect of an Herbal Preparation (HemoHIM) on Development of Airway Inflammation in Mice via Modulation of Th1/2 Cells Differentiation
  2. Enhanced antitumor efficacy of cisplatin in combination with HemoHIM in tumor-bearing mice
  3. The Prospective Role of Plant Products in Radiotherapy of Cancer: A Current Overview
  4. Hyberbaric oxygen increases atresia in normal & steroid induced PCO rat ovaries
  5. Evaluation of Nephroprotective and Immunomodulatory Activities of Antioxidants in Combination with Cisplatin against Murine Visceral Leishmaniasis
  6. Protective effect of genistein on radiation-induced intestinal injury in tumor bearing mice
  7. Trends in Ginseng Research in 2010
  1. Preserved ex vivo inflammatory status and cytokine responses in naturally long-lived mice
PMC Images on HemoHIM

韩国艾多美Hemohim (Atomy) 将增强你的免疫力




获提升免疫力专利 国家重点 国家批准 韩国家原子能 获美国FDA认证
扶植项目 1号保健品 研究院研制


当归 天穹 白芍药

HemoHIM Ingredients: Angelica radix, Chuanxiong Rhizoma, and PaeoniaenAlba Radix



















012 388 2745

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Propolis Health Supplement

Propolis – The Cure All Health Supplement?
While the health benefits of bee pollen are widely known, not many people know about an even healthier compound formed from bees called Propolis. A mixture of sap from tree buds. It’s high concentration of flavonoids (a type of antioxidant) makes propolis a popular natural treatment for a variety of health conditions.

Propolis – What Science Says

There are many health benefits reported by propolis users. However, science sometimes says otherwise. Here is a look at many of the reported benefits and scientific evidence about these claims:
Burn Treatment: According to a 2002 study, propolis may promote the healing of burns. Researches compared the effects of propolis and a silver sulfadiazine in patients with second degree burns. Researchers found that the two treatments were almost equally effective but found propolis reduced the risk of inflammation or infection.
Wart treatment: A study published in the Journal of Dermatology tested the effectiveness of propolis on warts. In a single-blind, three month trial, 135 patients were either given propolis, Echinacea, or a placebo. After three months, propolis was effective in eliminating warts in 75% of patients, much higher than the rate of the placebo or in Echinacea.
Cavity Prevention: A 2003 study in Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin reported that propolis might help in cavity prevention. During laboratory research, scientists found that certain compounds found in propolis might inhibit the growth of certain bacteria that contribute to cavity development. Researchers believe propolis might prevent bacteria from sticking to teeth as well.
Diabetes Treatment: Albeit not in human research, results from a study published in Pharmological Research suggests propolis might aid in the treatment of diabetes. In the study, tests on diabetic rats showed that propolis helped reduce blood sugar levels as well as bad cholesterol.
In addition, the National Institutes of Health reports that based on the information available, propolis may be helpful in reducing cold sores, genital herpes, and as a treatment for the cold or flu.

Propolis Is Very Safe

A natural health product is useless if it’s unsafe. Luckily, propolis appears to be very safe and side effect free. None of the participants in the study mentioned above reported any negative side effects or health problems as a result of using propolis.
If you’re breast feeding or pregnant, make sure your doctor knows that you plan on taking propolis. This is just a regular safety precaution that should be taken for any pregnant or nursing mother who plans to use a dietary supplement.

Where to Purchase Propolis

In a world of over-hyped and junk products, propolis is the real deal. With over a dozen proven benefits, clinical support, and a seal of approval for safety – anybody can benefit from taking Propolis.
If you’d like to purchase propolis, you can do so online or in various natural food stores. Propolis comes in pills, powders, creams, and lozenges, so you can buy propolis based upon your needs. It’s readily available and is very affordable, which should make purchasing propolis easy.