Friday, 11 December 2015

Atomy Marketing Plan


  • Atomy members are classified into 5 different types of dealership, according to the total purchased volume
    and commission level received from the company

Class Sequence and Conditions

Accumulate 10,000 ~ 299,999 PV
Accumulate a minimum of 300,000 PV or a Sales Rep with smaller leg of at least 600,000 PV accumulated in the previous month
Accumulate a minimum of 700,000 PV or an Agent with smaller leg of at least 1.4 Million PV accumulated in the previous month
Accumulate a minimum of 1,500,000 PV or a Special Agent with smaller leg of at least 3 Million PV accumulated in the previous month<
Accumulate a minimum of 2,400,000 PV or a Dealer with smaller leg of at least 4.8 Million PV accumulated in the previous month

General Commission: 44% of entire sales PV will be distributed between qualified members every week according to the rates. Individuals must first accumulate at least 10,000 PV in order to accumulate downline PVs.

Grade 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Dealership Sales Rep Agent Special Agent Dealer E.D E.D E.D E.D
Daily Performance (smaller group) ACC ≥ 300,000 PV ACC ≥ 300,000 PV ≥ 700,000 PV ≥ 1,500,000 PV ≥ 2,400,000 PV ≥ 6,000,000 PV ≥ 20,000,000 PV ≥ 50,000,000 PV
Score 5 15 30 60 90 150 250 300

Multi Matching Bonus

Purchases Distribution Range Criteria per grade Distribution Criteria Distribution Details
≥ 300,000 PV 3 sub-lines 1. Sales Rep : 10 down-lines
2. Sales Master : 10 down-lines
3. Diamond Master : 5 down-lines
4. Beyond Sharon-Rose Master : None
1. Cumulative Points
2. A minimum of 300,000 PV on smaller group
3. No Roll-Up
4. Cumulative starts over again at the end of the month.
1. 2% of general Commission.
2. Bonus do not exceed 500,000KRW by amount.
3. Payment (same date as general commission's)
≥ 700,000 PV 5 sub-lines
≥ 1,500,000 PV 7 sub-lines
≥ 2,400,000 PV 10 sub-lines

Masters' Bonus: 20% of entire sales PV will be distributed according to mastership.

Mastership Prerequisite Rate of Masters' Bonus
Sales Master Special Agent with a minimum of 2.5 million Group PV under each leg.
If the total PV of the smaller leg exceeds 300,000 PV, personal PV acquired during the point accumulation period can be added to the smaller leg to achieve Mastership.
10% of total PV distributed equally to Sales Masters
Diamond Master Dealer with minimum 2 Sales Masters under each leg 5% of total PV distributed equally to Diamond Masters and higher Masterships
Sharon-Rose Master E.D. with minimum 2 Diamond Masters under each leg 2% of total PV distributed equally to Sharon-Rose Masters and higher Masterships
Star Master E.D. with minimum 2 Sharon-Rose Masters under each leg 1.2% of total PV distributed equally to Star Masters and higher Masterships
Royal Master E.D. with minimum 2 Star Masters under each leg 1% of total PV distributed equally to Royal Masters and higher Masterships
Crown Master E.D. with minimum 2 Royal Masters under each leg 0.5% of total PV distributed equally to Crown Masters and higher Masterships
Imperial Master E.D. with minimum 2 Crown Masters under each leg 0.3% of total PV distributed equally to Imperial Masters
Masters’ Bonus will be paid every 15th, and on the 7th day after the monthly closure.
Point accumulation period: 1st - 15th, 16th - end of month.

Terms of Promotion

Mastership Prerequisite Conditions
Sales Master No restrictions on promotion. 1. No conditions for continuous position maintenance.
2. Unlimited Timeline (only with valid membership status)
Diamond Master Must achieve Sales Mastership three times before being promoted.
Sharon-Rose Master Must achieve Diamond Mastership three times before being promoted.
Star Master Must achieve Sharon-Rose Mastership three times before being promoted.
Royal Master Must achieve Star Mastership three times before being promoted.
Crown Master Must achieve Royal Mastership three times before being promoted.
Imperial Master Must achieve Crown Mastership three times before being promoted.

Mastership Promotion & Incentives

Mastership Incentives
Sales Master Atomy Skin Care 6 System 2 sets, Evening Care 1 set
Diamond Master Tablet PC, Atomy Skin Care 6 System 2 sets, Evening Care 1 set
Sharon-Rose Master *SGD 2,500 Cash, 2 Travel Tickets
Star Master *SGD 12,000 Cash, 4 Travel Tickets
Royal Master *SGD 60,000 Cash, *SGD 2,500 credit per month, *SGD 1,200 car rental fee, 4 Travel Tickets to Europe (10 nights and 11 days)
Crown Master *SGD 430,000 Cash, *SGD 6,000 credit per month, 4 Travel Tickets to Europe (10 nights and 11 days)
Imperial Master *SGD 1,300,000 Cash, *SGD 15,000 credit per month, an office with a personal secretary, a chauffeur, 4 Travel Tickets to Europe (10 nights and 11 days)
1. Products are based on purchase price
2. Travel Tickets: *SGD 1,000 eq./person, and Europe Tickets: *SGD 5,000 eq./person
3. Car rental fee *SGD 1,200 eq./month
4. Studio Apartment rental *SGD 3,000 eq./month
5. Assistant salary: *SGD 1,800 eq./month
6. Tablet PC: *SGD 800 eq.
* Dollar amounts are estimates and may be subject to change based on currency exchange rate.

艾多美奖金制度马来西亚团队 / Atomy Marketing Plan Malaysia Team

Monday, 30 November 2015


   “赚多少钱不重要,能赚多久才是最重要的。”很多人穷尽一生之力,几乎沦为工作的机器,却一辈子无法致富。那些买乐透、赌博,以为一夜就能致富的人,他 们也达到致富的目的了,不过,注意,是帮助那些彩票投注站或赌场致富。想要致富,其实没那么困难。收入是心理状况的测量数据,周遭的环境只是大脑价值的投 影,简单地改变大脑的思维,我们就会大幅改善收入状况。
  想想你目前的工作能帮自己带来几次报酬?你卖的东西是一生能用几次的?你今天找的客 户,是不是明天还会来消费?很多种选择,事实上是可以让你多次获利的。例如:词曲的作者得到报酬、持股的营销顾问收费、房东收租金、发明者注册专利、架设 网站的人日夜收点击费用、超市收渠道宣传费、企业家架构系统来收加盟金、商家进行直销、保险经纪人建构组织及扩大系统等许多情况,都有可能持续带来报酬。


  家庭里有两种角 色,照顾者和依赖者。负担家里的生计,赚钱回家养家口的,属于“照顾者”;另一种没有工作能力的角色,就属于“依赖者”。风险总是无所不在,如果很不幸, 照顾家庭的人出事了,这家人将会陷入贫穷,甚至过不下去!因为照顾者倒下来而使全家顿失依靠,需要社会救济,这样的现象在台湾屡见不鲜。

   人在顺境中,一定要想想危机在哪里!什么时候创造出持续收入,你就能在什么时候脱离贫穷。趁自己还有体力与业余时间,赶快为自己或家人至少累积一份持续 收入吧!投资收益、版权收益或系统产生的利润,都属于持续收入的一种。台湾约150万名千万富翁,都是在工作之外,利用业余时间,通过发展自己的持续收入 系统,得以彻底摆脱贫穷,实现永不缺钱的梦想。
   另外,光靠储蓄的利息也不足以让你养老。有一个朋友在30年前从公务员岗位上退休,拿了300万新台币的退休金,在30年前,300万新台币是相当大的 一个数目,因此那个朋友觉得从此不愁吃穿了,没想到通货膨胀率上涨的速度这么快,到了现在他都80岁了,身体还很健康,但是几乎坐吃山空,不知道还可以靠 退休金再维持多久,眼看钱都快花光了,他现在只好过着相当节俭的生活。所以我们得想清楚,一个?需要存多少钱才能退休,才能够抵挡通货膨胀。


你停止工作后还有收入吗? 你的公司关门后还有收入吗?
你的店面停业后还有收入吗? 你辞职、失业后还有收入吗?
你的顾客一定可以不断回头吗? 你的工资足够你养老退休吗?
你的努力、付出可以累积吗? 你的事业可以一劳永逸吗?
你的顾客可以不断回头吗? 你的孩子能继承你的事业吗?




Thursday, 26 November 2015


主持人:傅芷嫺 銷售大師
會員分享:1 崔太昶 會員
                2 蔡若蓁 會員
獎金制度:林青鋒 鑽石大師
成功之路:南宮圭 星光大師 




Saturday, 21 November 2015


主持人:湯雅評 鑽石大師
宣誓者:虞森宏 銷售大師
台灣領袖代表致詞:董綺芳 星光大師
公司介紹:陳冠軍 玫瑰大師
會員分享:1-徐沛琴 鑽石大師
                2-李佩蓉 銷售大師
何謂誇大廣告:盧輝陽 產品顧問
獎金制度:雷孟凡 銷售大師
成功之路:崔圭正 皇家大師 


已在"艾多美"這條成功道路上堅持不懈7年的成功者同時也是皇家俱樂部倫理委員會的成員之一"崔圭正皇家大師",與臺灣"艾多美"的大家分享成功的定律,"艾多美"特有的成功八大系統,堅定信念;齊心合力的相互扶持,更重要的是遵守原則中心文化來經營"艾多美",身為領袖的每一個人更是責無旁貸的以身作則給予會員們正確的觀念"複製 複製 再複製"這是身為"艾多美"的每個會員必須所具備的基本觀念,如此一來在"艾多美"這條成功的道路上,您將會走的更加平坦;更加有所成就!



Wednesday, 18 November 2015


11/16 (二)


主持人 :  吳美雪




王冠堯 鑽石大師


Tuesday, 17 November 2015



Monday, 16 November 2015



主講:黃詩婷 老師

主講:張家穎 老師


Friday, 6 November 2015

how atomy help me?




目前离开马来西亚最接近的就是Singapore Atomy.



1. 联络你们的上线要求他帮忙你们提供价廉物美的艾多美,货源和价钱都要有保障才称得上好的上线。 我们不是老鼠会,比赛找越多人越好,而是要把好的产品介绍给大家,没有货源那么又如何介绍呢?

2. 去网页上找找,google type atomy malaysia, 可能会看到很多代购的网页,但是价钱会很贵!

3. 去出名网页如lazada, 11 street, lelong, mudah, rakuten, etc...你们会看到很多韩国的卖家在那边出货。价钱有高有低。就靠你们努力寻找价钱比较便宜的卖家咯!

4. 去韩国买,或者有朋友去韩国的时候叫他们买。但是试问,有谁可以一直过去韩国帮你买哦!哈哈!

5. 等明年5 月艾多美在马来西亚开幕!

以上5个方法,本人觉得方法3最有效。 如果懒惰或太忙货比三家的话呢,可以电邮我或则打电话给我问,我可以介绍你一些不错的卖家。在此声明,我不卖,我只是提供意见罢了!

03 8065 1788

Tuesday, 3 November 2015


我是Eisten Lai

012 388 2745










Thursday, 17 September 2015


From Taiwan.


主持人:湯雅評 鑽石大師

公司介紹:朴俊教 副社長

會員分享:1 唐香菊 會員 

2 呂春珠 會員

產品介紹:林韋秀 鑽石大師

獎金制度:王冠堯 鑽石大師

成功之路:金光烈 皇家大師

朴俊教 副社長

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Why not Atomy?

Would like to share some idea...
1. You joined Jusco or Tesco membership by paying annual member fee and collect point. You hardly redeem something you like and need.
2. You use credit card, spent and get rebate.
3. You share the good restaurant or good movie with your friends.
4. Buy 2nd pieces with 50% promotion, and you get 2 pieces of shirt.
5. Buy 3 free 1 promotion and you love it!
Most of us doing above 5 things.... 90% i can say.....
Why not for Atomy?
1. Atomy join member without member fee, you just buy what you need... we sell daily necessity, and the quality is good with low price!
2. You not really need to spend a lot, just buy what you need, no minimum purchase or maximum purchase.
3. Its a good product, sure you will share with your friends, that's what human like to do, sharing the good product or experience with friend with no pressure.
4. In atomy to enjoy the lower price, you just need to buy 4 same product. You can do it as a group buy with your friends.
5. Buy 4 and enjoy the lowest price!
You are not only the consumer, but you are the businessman at the same time.
Using a good product
with lower price compare with market existing same quality product
easy to share with your friends and family
no member fee
no annual fee
no stock keeping
no initial payment
no minimum purchase
and you can create a good income for your own!
Tell me,
Why not doing it?

Monday, 20 July 2015

马云谈传销 世界也震惊了!




   另外,广西许多家保险企业,一个会场几百张桌子,也叫有店铺?安利、天狮、完美、保险企业的业务人员工资无一例外都与管辖人数有关,保险公司更强调增员 不然完成要扣工资,要达到一定数目的新增代理人员才能晋升,这也算传销?是不是要所有企业只能在街上开个店卖东西才不叫传销,哪么中介、经纪、代理行为, 是不是应割资本主义尾巴一样割了!


   一个广告公司经理,靠20业务员业绩他才能获得收入,经理与业务员,是不是上下线?经理赚业务员的钱,是不是赚下线的钱?按这种逻辑,南宁所有广告公司 都在做传销!同样,按此推论,一个集团公司总裁都得直接去干推销才不叫直销,更不能开分公司、就算开分公司就是下线,分公司开了后招业务员,经理赚业务员 的钱就是下线,所以公司也开不成了。





   我要对这位朋友说“你还知道电脑呢!你也可能天天用,但是你知道电脑内部是怎么样工作的吗?那个CPU为什么有一排排的针头?那些复杂的像城市地图的线 路板是如何运算的?你也许还听过柴可夫斯基的D大调,但是你知道有多少种乐器在搭配演奏吗?”。很多事物我们一知半解,可是我们仅凭印象和直觉就做出判 断。



   大量的消费者养活数量最多的小批发商,小批发商养活大批发商,大批发商养活区域代理,区域代理供养独家代理。这是不是一个“金字塔”。很多朋友质疑“直 销或电子商务的模式是坐到第一就一定赚钱”。其实仔细想想,传统行业何偿不是如此,比如国酒茅台,你能拿到某地区的独家代理,能有不赚的吗?








   社会不断地发展,财富不断的增多,而人的欲望是无限的。如果没有合理的管理模式和分配制度,必然是一片混乱,社会也会停止不前。每一个行业每个公司都有 它的一套分配原则。虽然我们身处人人平等的社会,管理上的职位等级和财富分配的等级是社会发展的自然产物。因为人有懒惰勤快、能力高低之分。就必须有一套 规则来奖勤罚懒。 






   不能因为有人用菜刀行凶就不用菜刀了吧!那我们就都回到原始社会得了。而传统行业中也有经营不善导致金融纠纷的也不计其数。(以服装行业为例,品牌厂家 卖给了加盟商收到了款,但是众多的加盟商却卖不出货而血本无归。店面租金、专卖店装修、加盟费、首批进货款、人工工资等等加起来,在中等城市开一个品牌专 卖店也要15-30万左右吧。一个季度没赚到钱基本上就难以为继了。) 

  因为有了电脑软件和网络平台,我们不再需要去考虑那些复杂的数学计 算,我们只需通过简单的公式就能得出自己的业绩与收入是多少。一个良好的制度必然是能最大限度地利用各方面的资源,调起经销商的极积性,并严格遵守按劳分 配的原则。它造就更多的中产阶级而不是少数几个富翁。




Thursday, 2 July 2015



1.產品非必要性,只為了賺錢,卻必須每個月都付出購買.結果家裡堆了一些不必要的產品,但這樣也未必保證可以賺到錢.因此必須再去找一些人來複製您賠錢 的模式,只有他們來了,您才有錢賺.或許這樣您賺到了錢,卻因為需要每個月的付出,所賺得的錢又全部給公司賺回去了,為了別讓公司賺太多回去,您必須一直 找人,當有更多苦難的同胞加入後,您就可以賺得飽飽的,但想想這樣的錢,您賺得開心嗎?

2.產品雖是日常用品,卻強行規定每個月的消費,好像是被綁架的感覺,因為您非得強迫固定使用這項品牌,這樣才能維持每個月可能的收入,不僅如此,還必須 努力地去找人,然後也把他們綁架起來每個月都用這個品牌,雖然是日常用品,但難道非得這樣使用才可以賺到錢嗎?其實不然,最後還不是都給公司賺回去了,所 以這種綁架的行為也是一種傷害。

3.有些項目,一開始就要您付出一大筆入會費,但加入後,可能因為推薦不到人,卻永遠也賺不到錢,所以在這種情況下,充其量您只是拿錢去贊助別人.為了賺 錢,只好再努力去找替死鬼,好不容易找到人了,您也未必可以穩穩地賺到錢,但卻讓您的朋友處於苦難中,這也是一種傷害別人的行為喔!

Atomy就完全沒有這些問題,無須入費費、無須強迫固定消費、無須強迫推薦,只要用試用的態度來認識Atomy就可以。況且atomy的產品品質好價錢 低,很多人試用過一次就愛上atomy。喜歡atomy的產品,是沒有壓力的,可以自由選擇是否要持續的使用,完全不會綁架您的使用習慣。且不需要為了賺 錢而強迫重複購物,只要達到條件就可以永遠取得資格。更不需要拼命的推薦,來保持你的收入,因為每個人最多就只能推薦兩位。所以您推薦給別人,完全不會有 壓力,同時,別人也不會有被傷害的感覺,即使他們只買過一次,都可能讓他們賺錢。這樣的模式,若能因此讓您賺錢,也可以賺得心安理得,完全不會被人戲稱是 踩著別人血汗賺錢.

Tuesday, 23 June 2015


Gaji Bulanan melebihi puluh puluh ribu
bukan forex, bukan money game,
Tak perlu member fee, tak perlu simpan stok, tak perlu modal,
Kerajaan korea, listing company dan syarikat antarabangsa terlibat,
Pm saya untuk mengetahui lebih maklumat

不是amway, 不是forex, 不是money game.
在马来西亚还是新鲜,美国,韩国, 日本,台湾热到爆!

012 388 2745

Sunday, 21 June 2015

Why Join Atomy Malaysia?

Atomy Malaysia Facebook, Webpage

Why You must join Atomy Malaysia?

1. No Member fee

2. No Annual Fee

3. No Website Fee

4. Good Quality Product (Manufacture by Kolmar OEM more than 60% cosmetic and skin care product in the world and KAERI - Korean Government R&D Lab)

5. Lower Product Price (Normally half the price compare with market same quality product, example toothbrush RM 4.00 ++ each)

6. No need to keep stock

7. No need to buy big quantity / Spend a lot to join the member - just buy any product that you need.

8. Global Network Marketing

9. Still Very New In Malaysia.

10. Big Global Market, we are ahead of Vietnam, Thailand, Myammar, China, Australia,  and many more.

11. Daily necessity Product that you need it everyday. Example, toothbrush, toothpaste, detergent, shampoo and etc.

12. Point are accumulate.

13. The Most reasonable and good Marketing Network System in the world.

Call me now!

012 388 2745
Join us now, together we can create a better tomorrow, not only for you, but for your kids as well.

Thursday, 18 June 2015

艾多美奖金制度 / Atomy Malaysia Marketing Plan



Monday, 15 June 2015


Atomy 注重团队,注重合作。那么这就可以让你比较容易成功,也让你在艰苦的时候不会那么的孤单。
012 388 2745

Monday, 8 June 2015





Malaysia Atomy 团队!

012 388 2745

Thursday, 4 June 2015

Good Atomy Member, Good Atomy Consumer...

How to be success in Atomy?

As i understand, to be success in Atomy business, first you have to be a success consumer of Atomy products.

Network marketing will doing well, when the sales are in big amount, in order to do so, we as a member have to be a good consumer.

The good thing i love about atomy are, all the products selling here are good in quality and cheap in price.

I'm no need to buy a lot of thing in Atomy, only buy what I need...

For me, probiotics 10+, Hemohim, Evening Care 4, Atomy Men, Evening Care 6 system for my wife, toothbrush and toothpaste, shampoo, Ramyun (instant Noodle), vitamin c, and eye Lutein. this are few item that normally i will restock every 3 to 5 months.

With or without Atomy, I'm also purchase this from hypermarket, with higher price than now, and no comment for the quality as well.

When my friends asking me, Why you want to join direct sales?
I'm like... why not?
I save more, quality better, and its can help me generate income...
tell me, why not?

Atomy Malaysia

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Give yourself 5 years to try this business that can generate RM200K for you monthly!!! Worth to try!

Give yourself 5 years to try this business...
this what i always told my partners...
One you are in Atomy, we are business partner, in Atomy, you have a lot of business partner that building a same dream.

You are not alone!

5 years, a 5 years time that give you a possibility to get monthly income as RM200k.
Why not give it a try?

They are few Korean that making that much of money after joined Atomy for 4 years... the question is... Why Not Me?

Ya... Why No Me?

Do your current job can give you a possibilities to earn monthly income as RM200k after 5 years of working?

Do your business doing well, and continue doing well after 5 years, and getting a clean profit of Rm 200k a month?

I'm a businessman too, i know how hard to maintain a business, dont even mentioned about expand...
man power, stock keeping, cash rolling, staff training, and etc.... this are all the main concern as well.

I'm offering you an opportunity, that you might able to make RM200K Monthly, in 5 years time.
This will continue for 3 generation, until your grand-son.

The item that selling in Atomy are the item that you need it daily... toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoo, skin care, supplement, cleanser, and etc... How bad the economy are, human still need to brush their teeth, and taking care of their health and Beauty.

High Quality, Low in Price, daily necessities, new i market, no joining fee, no monthly target, can even generate income for you.... tell me ... why not join?

register your name and address at

We will contact you and update you!

Sunday, 31 May 2015

Extra Income?

Are you finding the need for some extra income?

The world economy has changed and it is getting harder to make ends meet.  I won’t go into all the geopolitical reasonshere as to why and what happened.  We just have to figure out how to adapt and survive.

Many young people and those right out of college are finding it almost impossible to get a job.  Those that are finding jobs are seeing they don’t pay enough to make ends meet.  Middle aged people are finding their jobs are being cut.  Those that have a small business are finding it harder just to keep the doors open.

If you are retired or about to retire you might have found that your nest egg is evaporating and isn’t keeping up with inflation.  Even if you have money in the bank you have found that you have to put that money at risk just so it doesn’t get eaten up by the devaluation of the dollar.   If you have a pension you might find it is at risk of being unsustainable like what is happening in other countries.

So we can see the challenges and that something needs to be done to secure our present and future income.

The main thing I love about this opportunity is that we are able to help others generate a very good income that can last a life time and beyond because you can pass your Atomy account down as an inheritance. Even after you stop working this business it can still keep on generating an income for you.  I personally know a retired lady in Korea that are over 50 and making over RM170,000 per month with Atomy and she started only 4 years ago.  

Atomy Malaysia Helping me to success

Success for All

Atomy's products are marketed exclusively through its members, or at least the ones who choose to do so. Regular members can choose to upgrade to business distributors for free, allowing them a) access to much lower pricing and b) the opportunity to generate extra income by introducing Atomy to others; word of mouth marketing. You can generate income two main ways: (1) by generating commission through the binary compensation plan (see below) and/or (2) though direct sales (depending on your country of operation). Atomy offers all its members a full business opportunity as well as the chance to become a “smartsumer.”



The Binary Plan

Atomy’s marketing structure is what’s known as a binary compensation plan in the multi-level marketing world. This structure has two legs, otherwise known as “downlines” (refer to diagram below). Because a member can only have two people in their front line, any referred member must be put to the next available position. Typically a member builds one leg while their sponsor adds new members to their other leg, but not all members choose to build their legs. By signing up through Atomy Malaysia, you will signing up as a regular consumer member, but you can choose to upgrade to a business member, which is completely free. Even if you choose not to do so immediately, normally we will be working to assist you in building one leg through new signups. Note, however, that you are under no pressure to go beyond being a simply consumer member of Atomy products, but it's great to be aware of the benefits to be had. Even someone with less-than-average marketing skills has the potential to succeed in the binary compensation plan. In order to receive commission from Atomy, one must meet the following criteria:

Obtain 300,000 PV points through purchases (PV = Point Value and 300,000PV is roughly RM 3000 in purchases). Your points are retained for the lifetime of your membership.Obtain a minimum of 300,000 PV points on both legs each week. Commission is paid on the smallest value leg (at least 300,000 PV) which is why it is important to build both legs in order to generate income regularly. This is the only criteria! Once you obtain your own 300,000 points and establish strong legs with members who will use Atomy’s products, you will be set to effortlessly generate income.


Six additional key points of the system, for starters:
1. Dealership

There are five classes of dealership in Atomy. Each member is classified by his/her total volume of purchases accrued which is to influence the commission he/she would receive from the company.



2. General Commission

44% of Atomy’s entire sales are distributed back to the qualified members as commission every week.

3. Multi-Matching Bonus

2% of General Commission from the direct down-lines are given to qualified members.

4. Mastership and Masters’ Bonus

In addition to different dealerships, a member can proceed to get positions of mastership to join distribution of more profit at the end of every ½ month.

5. Mastership Promotion

There is a promotional compensation to celebrate the new qualifiers of each mastership:

6. Center Fee

After becoming a "Sales Master," you may choose to open up your own Atomy Center in your own location to instruct new members and sell products. Atomy Center owners receive 6% of total PV toward commission.
According to Korean Law and Regulations Atomy follows, the total amount of commission to members cannot exceed 35% of total sales income. All calculations of commissions and bonus are automatically fit to the limit.

Thursday, 28 May 2015

Kelantan (Atomy Malaysia)

28th May 2015

We are in Kelantan Today!
This is our First trip in Kota Bahru, or Kelantan.

A wonderful town, friendly citizen, nice neighborhood.

Tonight will be our first meeting with the Kelantan Atomy.

A historical day for my team.

Wednesday, 27 May 2015


Atomy 有几样很值得用的产品。

1. Hemohim
2. Evening Care 4
3. Men Skin Care / Woman Skin Care 6 System
4. Toothbrush / toothpaste
5. Probiotics 10+



刚开始时候对我来说Atomy只是取代了我本来就有用的东西。Hemohim... 卖点是促进免疫力,增强我们的抗体,Daily Supplement 来的呀,而且我查了很多资料发现Hemohim本来就是针对抗癌而生产的,加上又是韩国政府研究院研发的,可信度就绝对有了哦!本来我每个月花上700++买的其他daily supplement...现在可帮我省了一半呀!

再来就是Evening care...去角质,卸妆,洗脸霜,peeling mask...这个本来都有在用。换牌子的原因当然是Kolmar咯!Kolmar可是专为很多化妆品,美容品OEM的哦!Shiseido, lancom, chanel, 都是这里出来的。。。这个本来也在用,通常都是RM400++ 可以用4 到5个月。。。现在这个才RM200+ ....天哪。。。。又省了一笔。。。

Skin care。。。我是男孩子嘛,Men Care.... 我是本来都没用的。。。。 toner, essence, lotion... 可是之前那两个都省了不少吧。。。想想花个RM200试试这个也还好。。。就在这样的想法之下开始用了。哈哈。。。最大原因也是Kolmar...哈哈!用了感觉很好。。。用了半年。。。我没很勤劳再用一个星期用个5 ,6 天吧。。。 还有一点点。。。感觉还哈啊。。。半年RM200...ok 啊!

toothbrush 和 toothpaste这不用说了。。。我朋友给我一套试用的时候,我隔天就再另外买多几套在家了。。。超好用。。。。牙刷头小。。可以刷到很里面。。。刷毛很细。。。太好用了。。。。而且才RM4.9一个。。。。
牙膏呢有propolis...这个你们可以自己上网看看propolis的功效。。。才RM10++..... 都很好用。。。我不会转其他牌子了!

再来就是这个Probiotics 10+, 良菌嘛。。。我家里有小孩,每天都有给他们喝,我以前还以为真的就只有小孩喝,但是不是的。。。大人更需要喝。。。对肠胃好啊!

我只是把我日常都在用的转为Atomy... 而且也省了不少。。。便宜。。。有品质。。。永远都是王道!


Atomy Malaysia

Monday, 25 May 2015

Atomy Malaysia

Atomy is coming to Malaysia soon.
Estimated on Oct 2015.

Atomy 即将在马来西亚开跑了。预计将会在今年10月份。

Atomy akan tiba di Malaysia di bulan Oct 2015.

We are atomy malaysia, at here you will get many information regarding atomy global and atomy malaysia.

我们是马来西亚艾多美, 在这里您将会得到很多atomy 的最新消息。

Kami adalah Atomy Malaysia, disini kamu akan dapat banyak maklumat mengenai Atomy.

Atomy Malaysia is welcoming your visit and let's pre register with us! It's free!

Sunday, 24 May 2015

Why Atomy Part 3

4. Worldwide Market

Atomy started in South Korea and is now in Taiwan, Japan, Canada, USA & now Singapore.  New markets are opening up yearly. Once you’re a member of Atomy you can sign up anyone in any of the opened countries under your Atomy member number. So the growth potential is amazing!

5. From Consumer to Opportunity

As a consumer of Atomy products you will enjoy the high quality organic herbs, the results and the low cost.  As you share your experiences with Atomy products with others you will find that the potential of having your own Atomy business is just a natural process.
It is always good to get in on the ground floor of things and the great thing about Atomy is it is free to be a member and get member pricing. The only requirement to keep your membership active is to buy just one product within the year. In fact even after you join and if for some reason you decide it isn’t for you, you have lost nothing. Because there is no cost, no membership fees, no auto shipping or any obligation to buy anything.  But really of course you will want to try at least the bee propolis toothpaste or the body wash. These products are fantastic!  100% satisfaction guarantee.

The great thing about doing the Atomy business is that your up-line usually helps you build at least 1/2 of your team. You can really have fun with this. If you give facial parties, people are amazed at the results. They also love the toothpaste with bee propolis and the anti-bacterial toothbrush.
You are going to love Atomy products and the opportunity to earn a living just sharing products that you love.

You may pre-register for Malaysia Atomy at

and we will register for you once Malaysia Atomy is officially open. Estimated on October 2015

Why Atomy - part 2

atomycompany3. Company Vision and Strength

The goal of Atomy is to be the worlds supplier of health care, skin care, personal care and home care items of absolute quality at absolute low prices.

About Atomy
CEO Han-gill Park founded Atomy Co., Ltd in 2006 as a premier world-wide super network marketing company that has merged all aspects of business structure including R&D, manufacturing, marketing, and service. Mr. Park chose a network marketing aka direct selling system for product distribution in order to deliver absolute quality products at the absolute lowest price. Atomy has patents all over the world for its unique products and has global presence with subsidiaries in USA, Canada, Korea, Taiwan, Japan & Singapore.

Atomy’s products come from the collaboration of two companies: The Korean Atomic Energy Institute (KAERI) and Kolmar Korea. Together they launched the institutional venture company named Sun Bio Tech. In 2006, Sun Bio Tech became the first institutional venture company to be approved by the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology. SBT is now named Kolmar B&H for Kolmar Beauty and Health.


About KAERI: Research and Development

The Korean Atomic Energy Institute (KAERI) develops nuclear fusion and radiation fusion technology. They are responsible for the research and development of Sun Bio Tech. KAERI is a government institution founded on February 3 in 1959 as Korea’s first comprehensive science and technology research institute in order to improve the quality of life of the general public. Over the past 50 years, KAERI has become the driving force behind Korea’s national economic growth and continues to promote strong economic growth by using nuclear as a major energy source. KAERI strengthening Korea’s industrial competitiveness through the transfer of advanced science and technology.

About Kolmar Korea: Technology / Capital Investment / Manufacturer

Korea Kolmar Co., Ltd is an OEM (original equipment manufacturer) and ODM (original design manufacturer) company that manufactures cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and health supplements. Kolmar Korea was established in May of 1990 and is one of the nine global Kolmar companies whose technologies and know-how have developed over the past 90 years starting in Milwaukee Wisconsin, USA in 1921 as Kolmar.

Why atomy - part 1

Why Atomy

Atomy is having incredible success around the world.  Here is why:

1. Products

Atomy has an expanding range of high quality products that use ultra-purified, natural and organic herbal ingredients while at the same time keeping the price very low.  Even beating out the big box stores on many products.  This is really unheard of in the direct selling industry.  Most direct selling companies charge exorbitant prices for their products just to maximize the income potential of the sellers.  With a lot of high pressure this might work out for the seller for a few months but in the end the customer feels like they were scammed and eventually the seller loses some of their friends, contacts and reputation.  Then the seller gives up.  With Atomy you feel good about the products you purchase and share with others.

2. There is no cost or risk to join Atomy

This is very unique in the direct selling industry.  Most other companies have a membership fee or recruiting fee, then you need to buy high priced products monthly in what they call a auto-ship.  Not to mention paying monthly fees for “your own website” and so on.  With Atomy there is none of that!
Benefits of Atomy membership:
  • Get member pricing (up to 58% off non-member price)
  • Free to Join
  • No Registration Fees
  • No Monthly Fees
  • No Website Usage Fees
  • You do not have to purchase products to join
  • You do not have to purchase products every month
  • No automatic reordering; No “auto-ship”
  • No minimum order quantities
  • You do not need to sell products to be a member (optional)
  • One member ID is valid across the world
  • To qualify for commissions for the year you only have to accumulate 10k Personal PV which is just one bottle of Shampoo for RM60++
Only 2 requirements:
  • Must be 18 or older to join
  • You only need to buy 1 item by next year to keep your membership active (This could even be a pack of 4 bee propolis tubes of toothpaste for just RM20.  Amazing!)

Saturday, 23 May 2015

Testimonial for Hemohim

 Testimonial by the user


Choy Lily

2015-04-20 21:03:09

After intaking Hemohim for 6 months, my blood sugar level drops to only 6.3 from unacceptable level of 8.9. It is amazing that I restores my health with Hemohim.


2015-05-14 23:56:16

I have high blood pressure and high urine acid problem for long years. After having HemoHim for a month plus. My body checkup result showed my blood pressure and urine acid level back to normal. I love HemoHim.


2015-05-15 10:27:15

Atomy is a wonderful company with great products. I have bone on bone arthritis in my knees. I could not walk up or down stairs. After using HEMOHIM for three weeks I am now able to squat and take the stairs without much pain. As I know that is because more red blood cells generated inside my bone by HEMOHIM to strengthen my joints and knees. It is a fantastic product for me!


2015-05-17 11:37:58

Hemohim is a heaty herbs. At the first week i took hemohim, I got headache and lip dry occurred. But after one week with drinking more enough water, my body gets used to this heaty herbs. And now, with Hemohim, I am more energetic during my work and also wont easily feel cold like before in my air-cond office.


2015-05-21 13:01:55



2015-05-23 23:40:14

There is a benefit of taking Hemohim, which is long erection for the night, due to higher red blood cell build up in the body.



this article was taken from

Hemohim Video - Mandarin And English

Atomy Hemohim is a good product!

HEMOHIM is a new substance with special immune function that has been developed from Angelica radix, Chuanxiong Rhizoma, and PaeoniaenAlba Radix through biological engineering and radiation technology. Safety and function has been proven through clinical tests, and has been approved by the KFDA as the very first health functional supplement assisting functions of the immune system.

let's watch the video


Friday, 22 May 2015

Hemohim Video (in Mandarin)

About Atomy - Hemohim

Atomy - Hemohim

If you search “What is HemoHIM?” on Google, it will tell you that: “HemoHIM is a new substance with special immune function that has been developed from Angelica radix, Chuanxiong Rhizoma, and PaeoniaenAlba Radix through biological engineering and radiation technology.”
HemoHIM stands for:
  • Hemoglobin: Hemoglobin carries oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body where it releases the oxygen to burn nutrients to provide energy to power the functions of the body in metabolism.
  • Hemopoiesis: The formation of blood.
  • Immune: Your Immune System.
  • Modulation: Regulate.
Basically, HemoHIM strengthens/regulates your immune system, help your body form fresh blood and hemoglobin. HemoHIM is patented in the United States as “Herbal composition for improving anticancer activity, immune response and hematopoiesis of the body, and protecting the body from oxidative damage”.

HemoHIM is a not a medicine, but a functional health supplement. It serves a special purpose of strengthening your immune system. And the main ingredients are quite exotic: Angelica radix, Chuanxiong Rhizoma, and PaeoniaenAlba Radix. These are herbs cultivated in the clean fields of South Korea, and were widely used in oriental herbal medicines for centuries.

Development of HemoHIM

HemoHIM was the name of a government research project by a team of Ph.D. scientists at Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI). The South Korean government proposed the project to create a new substance that will radically increase human immune system in order to protect the nation’s most valued scientists at KAERI, who have much higher chance of getting exposed to radiation compared to other people. The team tested more than 1,000 different kinds of herbs to create a perfect substance to accomplish the project’s objective. To do that, it took the team about 8 years and government assistant of more than 5 million dollars. At the finish of the project, the Korean government decided to commercialize the substance to offer it to the general public. The truth is, not only the scientists working with atomic energy is affected by radiation, but we are all exposed to radiation in our daily activities such as using cell phones! Then the project name HemoHIM became the substance/product name and was offered to the general public.
There are three main organizations/companies involved in the production of HemoHIM:
  1. Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI): Responsible for the research and development of the HemoHIM formula.
  2. Kolmar BNH Co. Ltd. (SBT): Company responsible for making the actual substance with the formula provided by KAERI.
  3. Atomy America Inc.: The only distributor of HemoHIM.

Product Specification/Development

Patented in the United States, 4 major countries of Europe, as well as Korea, HemoHIM is continually proving its effect in immunity enhancement.

HEMOHIM is a new substance with special immune function that has been developed from Angelica radix, Chuanxiong Rhizoma, and PaeoniaenAlba Radix through biological engineering and radiation technology. Safety and function has been proven through clinical tests, and has been approved by the KFDA as the very first health functional supplement assisting functions of the immune system.

HemoHIM Development

Food & Biotechnology Team of Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI)
Development of Functional Biodefense Food for people dealing with radiation
  (KAERI Food & Biotechnology Team/Korea Cancer Center Hospital)
Development of the new substance HemoHIM, which helps with Immunity enhancement (Proven through numerous tests)

Animal Experiment
HemoHIM mixed herbal extracts improved the recovery and survival rate of animals with reduced levels of white blood cells and lymphocytes in the peripheral blood. Oral administration of HemoHIm into animals with deficient immunity resulted in significant recovery of the number of white blood cells and lymphocytes, as well as NK cell activation.

Human Body Experiment
63 people with less than 5000/ul of white blood cells took HemoHIM misxed herbal extracts and experienced enhanced NK cell, cytokine, and immunocyte activity. * Human based data may vary according to individual constitution.
Kolmar BNH Co. Ltd. (SBT) was established in Daeduk Research and Development Special Zone, the first research
  enterprise approved by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology in Korea (Kolmar BNH (SBT) is a joint venture
  between the KAERI and Kolmar Korea)
Passed the Individually Approved Type evaluation of MFDS
Sales commercialization through Atomy Co.

Product Features

Product Name
Atomy HemoHIM
Product Type Individually Approved Dietary Supplement
20ml x 60 (1,200ml)
Although the product has been sterilized, keep in a cool place away from moisture and direct sunlightray. Consume right immediately after opening.
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI)
Kolmar BNH Co. Ltd. (SBT)
HemoHIM Mixed Herbal Extracts [Angelica Radix/Korea, Chuanxiong Rhizoma/Korea, PaeoniaenAlba Radix/Korea], Aqua, Honey, Glyopexis, Fructo-oligosaccharide, Citric Acid, Guar Gum, Sodium Alginate, Vitamin C, Kelp Meal, Pantothenic Acid, Vitamin B6 Hydrochloride, Vitamin B1 Hydrochloride, Vitamin B2
One packet (20ml) twice per day, 60 packets in total
When taking HemoHIM
- Cnidium Officinale and Paeonica Japonica may cause allergic reactions
  upon intake consumption.
- Not recommended for children under 6 years old.
- Women who are pregnant, nursing, experiencing menstrual irregularity,
  or have bleeding disorders should consult a doctor before taking this product.
- Do not take products past the expiration date.
Recommended Subjects Atomy HemoHIM is recommended for the following people.
- Elders who need energy restoration
- Workers exhausted from long hours
- Students that need physical endurance
- Long-distance drivers
- House-wives worn out from stress of housework
- Athletes who consume a lot of physical energy

Nutrition Facts:
% based on daily values
Amount Per Serving Content % Daily Value
Total Calories 20kcal  
Total Carbohydrate 5g 1.5%
Sugars 3g  
Total Fat 0g 0%
Sodium 0g 0%
Sodium 0mg 0%
Functional Substances Cholorogenic acid
* May help in improvement of immunity. (Physiological Function Level 2)
* This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

What is Immunity?

It refers to the ability to recognize and destroy pathogens such as viruses or bacteria when they enter our body. In other words, Otherwise, the ability to protect our bodies from harm.

Immune Function

What are undesirable immune reaction?
Overreaction to extraneous materials. Example: Allergies (Asthma, Rhinitis, Atopic dermatitis, etc)
How do functional health supplements related to immune system help us?
They increase the number of immunocytes or enhance their functions, and help destroy harmful pathogens and distorted cells, to reduce unwanted immune reactions.
What harms our immune system?
Environmental pollutants, stress, instant food, food containing saturated fat, alcohol, smoking, etc.
What is a healthy immune system?
A system that recognizes harmful pathogens or abnormally transformed cells, and performs necessary functions to destroy them.

Patents & Certificates

No. Country Registration Number Designation
1 Korea 0401955 Immune system, hematosis enhancement and protective herbal composition and manufacturing process
2 0440863 Hematosis enhancement and anti-radiation herbal extracts
3 0449655 Hematosis, immune system reinforcement and anti-radiation health functional food
4 0506384 Anti-cancer, immune system, and hematosis enhancement and oxidant controlling effect herbal composition and manufacturing process (health food, medicine)
5 Europe
(Germany, England, France, Italy)
EP01466608 Herbal composition comprising Angelica gigantis,
Cnidium officinale and Paeonia japonica
6 Japan JP04055951 Galenical composition having anticancer/immune/hematopoietic function enhancing effect and oxidative living body damage suppressing effect and manufacturing method thereof
7 USA US06964785 Herbal composition for improving anticancer activity, immune response and hematopoiesis of the body, and protecting the body from oxidative damage, and the method of preparing the same